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Past Programs 2020

Programming | 6/14/20 |  10:30 - 11:30 AM  EST 

Instructor: Allie Eisenberg


General Topics: 


Learn to think creatively, reason systematically, and work collaboratively - essential skills for life in the 21st century. Using, students get a feel for the computer science world through block coding. No prior knowledge necessary!


Required Materials: 

  1. A computer 


Programming Flyer

Chemistry Session 1 | 6/30 - 7/2 |  6:00-6:45 PM  EST 

Session 1 is completely full


Instructor: Elizabeth Gallagher


General Topics: 


We will be doing experiments each day with household materials.  We will be demonstrating the experiments and instructing the students on how to follow along.  I have attached a document with the materials that will be used in the workshop.  Attaining all of the materials is optional, but they will allow your children to participate fully in the experiments.



Chemistry 1 Flyer

Chemistry Session 2 | 6/30 - 7/2 |  7:00-7:45 PM  EST 

Session 2 is completely full


Instructor: Elizabeth Gallagher


General Topics: 


We will be doing experiments each day with household materials.  We will be demonstrating the experiments and instructing the students on how to follow along.  I have attached a document with the materials that will be used in the workshop.  Attaining all of the materials is optional, but they will allow your children to participate fully in the experiments.



Chemistry 2 Flyer



Rock Candy

Day 1 (June 30th)

- A wooden skewer (you can also use a clean wooden chopstick) and a clothespin- OR you can use a clothespin/pencil for on top of jar/cup and a piece of string that will be tied to it and hang down

- 1 cup of water

- 2-3 cups of sugar

- A tall narrow glass or jar

- Liquid density (note: you do not need all of the materials to be able to actively participate, any combination of 2 or more of the liquids works, but the more the better)

- Honey

- Syrup

- Dish soap

- Milk

- Water

- Ice cube

- Vegetable oil


Baking Soda and Vinegar Balloon

Day 2 (July 1st)

- empty soda or water bottle

- baking soda

- vinegar

- ballon (alternative is a ziplock bag and tape) - teaspoon

- funnel (recommended if spilling is a concern)

- pepper and water

- dish soap

- peper

- cup

- water

Ice Cream In A Bag

Day 3 (July 2nd)

- Half and Half – OR you can use 1/2 whole milk and 1/2 cream. We have also made it with whole milk and it will still turn out but the ice cream won’t be as creamy

- Salt – the type of salt doesn’t matter. We used regular table salt. But the chunkier the salt you use, the less chance you’ll get salt mixed into your ice cream by accident.

- Ice

- Vanilla

- Sugar

- static electricity

- hair brush OR saran wrap (recommended if child’s hair is short)

- access to a sink with running water

Biology | 7/10/20 |  6:00-7:00 PM  EST 

The Biology Workshop is completely full


Instructor: Arushi Gupta and Sanjana Kothari


General Topics: 


During this virtual workshop, we will dive into the world of ecology! Join us and learn more about how our communities are sustained and participate in some fun activities!


Materials: â€‹


1) food webs: flash cards/anything that can work as a flash card

2) build your own ecosystem (optional): chocolate pudding, cookies, and gummy worms

3) oil spill experiment: 

Any tray/clear container to hold water & oil


Vegetable Oil

Dish Soap


Paper Towels

Cotton Balls


Biology Flyer

Engineering | 7/18/20 |  10:30-11:30 AM  EST 

The Engineering Workshop is completely full


Instructor: Amanda Zheng


General Topics: 


We will be learning the engineering concepts behind strong stable structures and constructing index card towers of our own! 


Materials: â€‹


  1. Index Cards 

  2. Tape 

  3. Scissors

  4. Tape Measure 

  5. A Can to use as a weight (can be of anything, soda, beans, vegetables...)

Engineering Flyer

Cryptography | 7/24/20 | 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM EST

Instructor: Maggie Pan​


General Topics: 

what is cryptography, brief history of cryptography, create your own code and encryption, NSA decoding Cryptochallenge




  1. Pencil 

  2. Paper

Cryptography Flyer

Carbon Dioxide | 7/29/20 | 5:00 - 6:00 PM EST

Instructor: Allison Ore


General Topics: 

Learn about how carbon dioxide affects the environment and calculate your carbon footprint.




  1. Computer

Carbon Dioxide Flyer

Earth Science | 7/30/20 | 7:00 - 8:00 PM EST

Instructor: Madison Fang


General Topics: 


Learn about earthquakes and build your own seismometer - a tool that measures details of earthquakes




  1. Shoebox 

  2. Paper or plastic cup 

  3. Pencil or felt tip 

  4. Scissors

  5. String

  6. Sellotape

  7. Long paper

Earth Science Flyer

Chemistry | 8/1/20 | 2:00 - 3:00 PM EST

Instructor: Cady Wang


General Topics: 

In this virtual workshop, we will be learning about the basics of chemistry such as the periodic table of elements and chemical reactions! To explore these concepts, we will be demonstrating fun experiments with household items that students can follow with. The materials and experiments are optional, but they will allow your child to participate fully in the workshop. Look forward to seeing you there!




Experiment 1: Homemade Lava Lamp

  1. Vinegar

  2. Oil (any type)

  3. Baking soda

  4. Spoon

  5. Food coloring

  6. Long cup/container/bottle

  7. Smaller container

Chemistry Flyer

Experiment 2: Rubber Egg

  1. Vinegar

  2. Raw egg

  3. Tall glass or jar

Paper Airplane Science | 8/5/20 | 6:00 - 6:45 PM EST

Instructor: Riya Shah


General Topics: 

Learn and apply the principles of aerodynamics to your own paper airplane! 




Airplane Flyer

H2Observe | 8/8/20 | 3:00 - 4:00 PM EST

Instructor: Bonnie Chen ​


General Topics: 

Explore a few important properties of water that make life on Earth possible- and make these experiments possible!



Experiment 1:  How many drops can a penny hold?

  1. penny

  2. oil

  3. 1 cotton swab

  4. water

  5. dropper

  6. paper towels

Water Flyer

Experiment 2:  Milk Rainbow

  1. milk

  2. dish

  3. two cotton swabs

  4. food coloring(more colors optional but add to the fun)

  5. dish soap/laundry detergent(liquid)

  6. paper towels

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